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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dissertation Blog #4

Based on the information learned in class, I feel that my dissertation will be quantitative in nature.  The design I believe will fall under Survey Research.  Survey Research looks at perceptions, attitudes and opinions of participants in a study and have research questions that are descriptive, comparing or relationship based.  My research questions are comparative between two Intermediate Units and the types of pre-evaluation interventions they use as well as how effective they are rated to be.  My data collection will be by questionaire/survey.  I've looked at different surveys used in the literature and really feel that parts of surveys from Elksnin & Capilouto (1994) and Beck & Dennis (1997) will fit what I am looking for in my dissertation.


  1. Good hharnly! I agree a Survey Design would work well for your study!! The other possibility is a causal-comparative design (aka an ex post facto design). Just remember that if you use a Survey Design, your sample should be fairly large.

  2. Thanks for your feedback. If need be I could add another IU.

  3. I have decided to do a quantitative research design like you..I wish us both all the luck

  4. Bedoor- hope that works well for you. Good luck
