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Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It truly is hard to believe how time has passed.  It seems like yesterday that I started on this journey and now I'm a year into my doctorate!  This course has been the most harrowing to date, but we've all learned so much and basically a 1/3 of our paper is nearly finished!  That takes a bit of the pressure off and adds to the excitement of pursuing what we are all asking in our questions!  I wish everyone a challenging but great experience in the semesters to come and hope to see all of you at summer conference!  I plan to try to continue this blog until graduation to map the process for real!  Take care all of you! ~H.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dissertation Blog #4

Based on the information learned in class, I feel that my dissertation will be quantitative in nature.  The design I believe will fall under Survey Research.  Survey Research looks at perceptions, attitudes and opinions of participants in a study and have research questions that are descriptive, comparing or relationship based.  My research questions are comparative between two Intermediate Units and the types of pre-evaluation interventions they use as well as how effective they are rated to be.  My data collection will be by questionaire/survey.  I've looked at different surveys used in the literature and really feel that parts of surveys from Elksnin & Capilouto (1994) and Beck & Dennis (1997) will fit what I am looking for in my dissertation.