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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

I am still in the process of refining my research problem and questions, so bear with me!  I am currently seeking IRB approval to move ahead with my research question for real.  I will post more later when everything is ironed out.  In the mean time, this blog was requested by my Methods of Inquiry class to allow us to talk to others about our experiences as we go through the dissertation process, so join me through this journey.  Enjoy the ride!~  H. Harnly, MS/CCC-SLP


  1. Great job on your blog Holly!! I like your background!! ;) Are you seeking IRB approval for a work-related research project? It is certainly too early to be doing so for your dissertation. Also, remember we won't be working on our research questions for another 6 weeks so no rush on that. I look forward to reviewing your problem statement. Let me know when you post it! For now, keep blogging!!

    1. I am looking to see if I can gain permission to do a study of the sort that I presented during class last night. I haven't presented anything to the IRB at this time because I wanted to have a solid question that they won't deny. My special ed. supervisor at work was looking at the topic and question as well and making some recommendations, so I'm hoping that the IRB will consider my research question. Nothing official is in progress at this time. Dr. Lowe when I spoke to her about my topic said that I could look into whether the IRB may be interested in the research project. Do you think that this is too early to do this?
