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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Doctor of Speech Language Pathology degree was conferred on August 31, 2014.  My graduation will occur in June, 2015!!  I am now Dr. Holly Harnly!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Graduation coming soon!

I've completed my dissertation and have passed the reviews for content and formatting.  Degree conferral is eminent! Wahoo!!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Its been a long time since I posted.   Since the last post I have had my concept paper accepted.  I'm currently in the Summer Semester of my Second Year.  I have just presented my proposal for the third time and am awaiting news if it will be passed on for IRB approval.  My questions have changed and I am now doing  a reduplication of Brandel and Loeb (2011) study on intensity and service delivery modes in school speech pathology settings.  I am hopeful that the IRB will accept my proposal and I will be able to continue on to perform research this fall.  The light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view. :) More to follow. ~H.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hanging on with anything I can... I almost have my concept paper accepted. Still working on a few details.  Sent out interest letters to schools in my target area for the paper.  I'm getting them back in slowly.  Everyone is busy like I am right now.  Talk about a crazy semester...  95+ kids on caseload and a student intern as well as 10 credits for my doctorate... a bit insane.  Like I said, hanging on by any method possible. LOL!  Some great things too; finally getting rid of the braces I've had for three years in October! That will be a huge relief! Learning quite  bit from genetics and neuroscience this semester so far in the readings.  When I find something profoundly interesting I'll post.  Stay tuned... ~H.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

7/9/12- First day of the convention.
7/8/12--Finished Advanced Voice and swallowing course yesterday.  Did my own FEES instrumentation with a nasoendoscope for the first time.  Photo will follow at a later date.  No photo card reader here in FL.  This course was excellent!  Learned a lot of new instrumentation for both voice and swallowing that I hadn't known before or used before.  Move on to convention Monday.  More tomorrow.  I couldn't post the videoclip I made, the internet service here at the Polynesian isn't that good and it doesn't allow for fast upload or any upload of many videoclips.  I will try a shorter one tomorrow.